
Question Paper Management System


OpenQP generates Question Papers by selecting questions (based on some pre-defined algorithm)from a question bank. The questions are stored as text (with embedded LaTex commands for equations, images etc.) in a postgres RDBMS system, that can be accessed from remote computers. Some of the features of the system are:

Adding Questions to the Question Bank

There are two methods available for populating a course with questions.

The system uses LaTex to typeset the questions. So it is necessary to make sure that the entered text does not contain any special characters that are interpreted as LaTex commands. for example characters like &, %, _ etc. If they are part of your text, enter them as \&, \% and _. Make sure that you View the questions in the PDF format, so that LaTex compatibility is ensured. Equations, Tables, Lists etc. are entered in LaTex format, but most of the questions, it is just plain text.

1. Bulk Uploading of Questions from a spreadsheet (.xlsx) file.

A screenshot of the GUI is shown below. The sequence of operations are:


The Excel file must be prepared carefully, the points to note are:


2. Edit/Add individual questions

A screenshot of the GUI is shown below. The steps to be followed are:


If you include figures by using the ‘\includegraphics’ command, the image file should be in the same directory.

Creating a New Course

A new course may be created by adding the details like Course code, course name, subject etc. It is easier to add a new course by selecting an existing course to fill all the input fields. Create a new one after modifying the required fields. Course Code entered by the used is stored in the database after prefixing the Syllabus Year and Institution information.


There is another Editor that imports the entire Course, make changes and export it back. Exporting wipes out the old contents. Used only for populating new Course with dummy questions.

Generating Question Papers

A GUI program is available for generating the question papers.

The following details, to appear on the generated question paper are added:


Installation, postgres RDBMS

A database and a user to own it are areated. Two users named ‘dummy’ and ‘reader’ are are created. These steps are carried out by the ‘psql’ client program, after logging into the server machine.

After completing these steps the program

Program Design

The backbone of the system is a Postgres RDBMS. A table named coursedetails stores the information about all the available courses. Each record of this table represents a course. Each Course has a Table to store the questions and related information. Name of the table is same as the course code. There is a corresponding ‘user’for every course, having access rights to it.