You only need to issue the followng commands from a terminal. The last two lines are for installing fonts for languages other than english.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3-psycopg2 python3-numpy python3-pyqt5 texlive-xetex
sudo apt install -y fonts-smc-rachana fonts-deva fonts-lohit-deva
sudo apt install -y texlive-lang-arabic fonts-sil-scheherazade fonts-nafees
Create a folder inside your working directory and copy it there. Run it using the command
After Installing the Python Interpreter, open a command prompt and issue the following commands
pip install numpy pyqt5 psycopg2-binary
Download MikTex installer from the MikTex website
Execute the installer, by double clicking on the downloaded file.
Copy it to your working directory and issue the command:
If everything is fine the GUI will appear. For support to languages other than english, you need to install the required fonts for Latex.
The Python program generates .tex files that are converted into PDF format by the program ‘xelatex’. If the ‘show PDF’ is not working, try to convert the ‘qqq.tex’ file from the command line.
xelatex qqq.tex